USAID’s Strengthening Household Ability to Respond to Development Opportunities (SHOUHARDO-III) implemented by CARE Bangladesh today formally handed over constructed handwashing stations to a union health and welfare center in in Mithamoin, Kishoreganj. Subrata Kumar Saha, Regional Coordinatorof SHOUHARDO III Program of CARE Bangladesh was present on the occasion on behalf of CARE where at least 20 local health officials and elected representatives also spoke.
In support to the Government of Bangladesh’s ongoing efforts to prepare and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, the US Government through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) provided funding to the country that ensures access to quality, lifesaving health services for its people. One of USAID’s implementing partners, CARE Bangladesh has been implementing SHOUHARDO III since 2016, a food security program in the northern part of the country. The program reallocated its existing resources amounting to more than 2.8 million USD to provide emergency assistance for the ultra-poor in 10 upazilas (sub-districts) of the char and haor regions. The support primarily covers installing handwashing stations in healthcare facilities (Community Clinics, Family Healthcare and Welfare Center and Upazila Health Complex) and multipurpose cash grants (via mobile cash transfer) to the participants as cushion for their livelihoods and nutritional needs.
Government health officials commended CARE Bangladesh and USAID for the support extended. The event was attended by Prabanshu Sam Mohan, Upazila Nirbahi Officer and Dr. Addullah Al Safi, Upazila Health & Family Planning Officer (UH&FPO) together with CARE’s field staff. Dr. Al Safi shared, “It is really great to have such support from CARE Bangladesh. On an average, 250 people visit our health complex to whom we disseminate messages on handwashing. This is a very timely initiative.” They also emphasized on maintaining hand-washing practices at the household level in order to prevent COVID-19.
Walter Mwasaa, Acting Country Director of CARE Bangladesh thanked USAID for its partnership and funding these critical activities and the Government of Bangladesh for its supportive partnership in development. He further requested for more support to the government of Bangladesh in its health and economic fiscal measures geared at reducing the impact of the crisis on the health and livelihoods of the people of Bangladesh. “The world has truly become global and when one is infected we are all affected, the COVID19 has made the adage truer than ever before. Its therefore our collective responsibility to work our way out of this crisis” he concluded that CARE’s work continues on the ground, even with the ongoing pandemic.
May 21, 2020