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  • Sylhet Job Fair- paving ways for young women to achieve their dreams
March 18, 2020

Sylhet Job Fair- paving ways for young women to achieve their dreams

Posted By Shouhardo III,


Runa Akhter is a 22 years old women who lives is Sharif Kani village, Union 4 NO, Baniachang upazila, Habiganj district. She received a 6-month long computer training from SHOUHARDO III program. This training was conducted for 2 hours each sessions and three days every week. Runa ensured 100% attendance as she was eager to get a job and be in a financially better-off position in future. Runa and her parents are SHOUHARDO III participants, where previously she has worked as Community Empowerment Volunteer. She has been actively supporting development organizations who came to her village through volunteer work. She supported herself to finish the Bachelor of Business Administration by tutoring young students with Math and Bangla language. It has been a year since she completed the computer training and she is still looking for a job. When she came all the way to Sylhet from her village which takes a minimum of 3 hours journey each way, she was very excited. She prepared for the interview of Computer Assistant with a local IT company. Upon asking what brought her to the job fair, Runa shared, “Girls my age would be married and have kids by now, but I do not want to be part of the trend”. She is thankful that her parents are supportive of her dreams, the inspiration came when they took part in SHOUHARDO III and learned that girls should not be married off at a young age. Runa awaits the result of the interview and was hoping she would get the job of Computer Assistant. She eagerly expresses, “I just need to start somewhere. I hope I will be given the opportunity as this will be my first job experience. From here on, I will do whatever it takes to be self-reliant like you (referring to CARE women staff) one day.