Knowledge Management & Learning (KM&L)
As a continuation of SHOUHARDO and SHOUHARDO II, empowering people (women and men) and communities is central to the SHOUHARDO III approach. The program believes that empowerment is the driving force in people centered development; and recognizes knowledge and learning as the key stepping stone within the empowerment process. As such, knowledge management and learning is central the SHOUHARDO III approach.
Funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID), with a non-match complementary funding from the Government of Bangladesh (GoB), SHOUHARDO III aligns with USAID’s Knowledge Management Framework which prioritizes the process of information and knowledge generation, capture, sharing, and application. Within this process, SHOUHARDO III strives to:
Build a sound, robust and secure evidence base of information;
Develop and preserve SHOUHRDO III’s experience and expertise;
Help people – CARE staff, partners, and communities – to apply information and knowledge in their daily work; and Build an environment where taking time to network, share, reflect and learn is encouraged and valued with strong leadership from all levels.
By producing information products hence reaching out to all who have impacted SHOUHARDO’s works in Bangladesh, program accountability is improved as these promote transparency from the grassroots to the CARE management level. In the immediate term, improved learning sharing creates a better understanding and removes misconceptions – thereby creating an atmosphere of accountability, trust and support.

The primary target audiences of SHOUHARDO III knowledge product/materials/publications would be the recipients of assistance for SHOUHARDO III, Bangladesh citizens, staff and volunteers of CARE, implementing partners, donors, US embassy and people of USA. There is also a need to address the external audiences to seek support (donations from local and international partners – public and private alike).
In SHOUHARDO III methods of knowledge delivery are basically two types: externally and internally. External sources are brochures/leaflets/newsletter/’pocket book’, web stories, videos, news release / press release, photo exhibition, field visits, collection of photographs, website, etc. On the other hand, the internal knowledge sharing and capacity building sources are reporting template for partners, Infographics, reporting and communications training both for SHOUHARDO and implementing partners’ staff and volunteers, knowledge ration”, knowledge talk”, learning-sharing meetings, etc.
For more information please read SHOUHARDO III Knowledge Management, Advocacy and Learning Strategy.