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  • FINAL REPORT Baseline Study of Food for Peace Development Food Assistance Projects in Bangladesh
October 14, 2017

FINAL REPORT Baseline Study of Food for Peace Development Food Assistance Projects in Bangladesh

Posted By Shouhardo III,


As one of the three baseline studies on development food assistance projects in Bangladesh by U.S Agency for International Development (USAID) Office of Food for Peace (FFP), SHOUHARDO III Program’s baseline study features a demonstrative population-based household survey for data collection for major FFP and project based indicators, paired with a profound qualitative study which adds depth and richness. The based indicators are predicted on food security; poverty; water, sanitation, and hygiene practices; agriculture; women’s and children’s health and nutrition; gender; and resilience, on which key findings are produced which also broadens food security and poverty indicators to be Household Characteristics, Household Hunger, Household Dietary Diversity, and Food Consumption, Poverty Levels and Income Sources. Furthermore, some recommendations for further program design.