Uzzal Halder
Program Support Officer
Duty Station: Gaibandha Hub Office
Tel: +880-1745-952307
I have completed Bachelor of Business Studies-BBS degree from Govt. Tongi College under National University in Management, Accounting and Economics. Over the last 12 years of my professional journey, I have built up a very strong mix of integrated career along with multi-dimensional responsibilities i.e. Administration & Liaison, Logistics, Procurement, Asset Management, Inventory Management, Vehicle Management, Program support, Supply chain, Store Management, Emergency Response Program with CARE Bangladesh as Program Support Officer, Noormisjon Bangladesh as Admin and Liaison Officer and Bangladesh Student Christian Movement as a National Coordinator- Logistic and Administration. I have built up my career within the institutional donors, besides that in-depth knowledge of global development trend, local level partnering and policies & strategies. Now I have been working as a Program Support Officer-PSO in SHOUHARDOIII program with CARE Bangladesh.